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The ‘Sermon Heard Round The World’ proves God is not LGBTQIP+ phobic.
The sermon's link is at the end.  This page proves God is not Romance phobic.

 What is  Welcoming  and  Affirming  Steamy  Romance? 

Snapshot Answer:  It’s helpful, harmless fun.

Slightly longer answer:  It’s exploring our template of desire, without lusting after a real person.  Isn’t it time we challenged the taboo against explicit fantasy, and added its color to our flag?

Full answer:

What is Welcoming and Affirming?  It’s seeing Intelligent Design in our dear LGBTQIP+s.  That’s not a Bible in your hand.  It’s a translation.  Errors in translations divide and conquer so many in the church.  We’ve looked in the original Greek and Hebrew of the Bible for the truth.  God is not LGBTQIP+ phobic.  (See link for the proof below.)

What is Steamy Romance?  It’s stories about intimacy.  It’s more explicit than TV shows where action stops just short of the bedroom for commercial breaks.  If Song of Solomon were understood today, the censors who trained us to avoid intimacy would tear those pages from every Bible.

How is reading Steamy Romance not a sin?  In Matthew 5:28 Jesus warns about adultery of the ‘heart’.  What does this mean?  In the Bible, the ‘heart’ is not just the mind and feelings, but the willMatthew 18:35 discusses forgiving someone from the heart.  That doesn’t mean you have warm fuzzy feelings for your abuser.  Forgiving is an act of will. 

The same Lord used the same word the same way.  Adultery in your heart, like forgiving in your heart, is a matter of your will.  It's what you're willing to do.  When a pastor dates his fiancé, he’s checking her out better than a chef inspects fruit.  Bedding her has crossed his mind, yet he may be unwilling to bed her before marriage.  If imagination without willingness to perform it in real life is a sin, then all who seek a spouse are fornicators, for they look forward to a wedding night.

You can imagine bedding made-up characters, but you can’t be willing to bed them, because they’re fictitious!  Any pastor who thinks you can be willing to bed a fictional character needs to run, not walk, to the nearest psych ward, since he can’t tell fantasy from reality.

How is it beneficial?  In Steamy Romance, characters are fictitious.  We don’t touch someone outside.  Our fantasies touch inside us our template for what we want in a lover.  With Steamy Romance we can safely explore preferences, desires and motivations without will or opportunity to bed real people.

The problem so far.  Many struggling with identity as LGBTQIP+ individuals have tried to explore their inner template for desire by watching various flavors of porn.  With precious few exceptions, the porn industry objectifies people as bodies, not portraying emotional and spiritual intimacy, the real love that real people express in varieties of physical affection.  With such a real need to explore, must we leave our dear searching ones to be dashed upon the rocks of jaded emotional indifference like driftwood?

What can we do about it?  We’ve created safe places to celebrate our colors in the rainbow.  Can’t we also create safe places to discover our colors in the rainbow?  Let’s come out and offer Steamy Romance Book Clubs in our churches.

How do Jessica Mandella’s LGBTQIP+ book characters learn to walk in their true liberty?  In her stories, some characters have read the Sermon Heard Round The World
(.com).  Others just live it.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, TransGender, Queer, Intersex, Polyamorous + any other.